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Prevention & Education

Nurse checking blood sugar levels on a senior woman

Diabetes Prevention Program

You could be prediabetic and not know it. Early treatment as well as moderate lifestyle changes can help return blood sugar levels to a normal range, effectively preventing or delaying type 2 diabetes. We've partnered with Solara to provide an effective program at no-cost to help our members. 

Get Started

Preventive Health Support

Part of keeping you healthy is helping to make sure you don't get sick in the first place. In addition to offering incentives with fitness, nutrition and general wellness programs, AvMed takes an active role in keeping you updated on immunizations and screenings based on your age and gender.

  • Vaccination reminders, such as yearly flu shots

  • Recommendations on screening for cancers like breast, prostate and more

  • Free quarterly members magazine with tips and ideas

Preventive Care and Clinical Guidelines

Find information related to clinical and preventive health practice; important resources for all health care professionals who care for AvMed Members.

Clinical Guidelines

Accessibility Standards for PCPs and Specialists

Medical Records Standards

Screening & Immunization Guidelines

Find recommendations below for how often you should be screened for certain conditions at age 65 and up.

Adult Preventive Care Recommendations

Adult Immunization Schedule

Getting Your Flu Shot

Getting a yearly flu shot protects you and those around you from getting sick. Best of all, your Medicare plan covers one shot per flu season. At AvMed, we urge our Medicare Members to get annual flu shots and practice preventive measures like:

  • Wash your hands
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Stay home when you’re sick
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces
  • Talk to your doctor to get more information about yearly flu shots

Protect Yourself From the Flu